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Art types: 

this body type is the shape of the body that shows gender and can have more developed features such as abs, breasts and other defining features. This body type is normally what is used for art and occasionally lore, although smilers aren't unable to develop abs and breasts, it's uncommon for them to develop these features. Please note alphas naturally develop large muscles despite how else they might develop.


Lore types: 

also known as suit types, this body type follows the actual lore based natural body structure smilers should have, such as gender neutral bodies e.g, no crotch bulges, no breasts etc, and again, with only alphas having larger muscles. They also have large paws and more digigrade legs, very much how smilers should look as a fursuit in the fandom.



In context to fandom and lore:


Smiling Dragons are an anthropomorphic, wingless mammal, originally made as a prototype for the species known as nightdares, they are now genetically improved versions of their predecessors made from a lab commissioned under the control of the first smiler, aka, MUTE. 


Their body structure follows similarly to that of a kangaroo or human however their key features are their big toothy grin, a side effect of what was called the evolution meltdown. They also have large ears, a box like snout, no visible nose, long tails and large 4-digit paws.


A basic way to understand the species body types, is
 through two different types known as art types and 
lore types.


Types Of Smiling Dragons


Within the species of Smiling Dragons there are various types of smilers based on certain characteristics and body structures. In the making of smiling 
dragons there are occasionally variants that appear within the species, some 
with mutations, some with missing tails and then there are some that are 
noticeably stronger than the norm. This section will explain about the 
different types of smilers and how you can identify them.


-The Pretype:


There is only one Pretype smiler alive, this smiler is MUTE, the only surviving
 subject from the project known as ;753 and that lived through the 
‘evolution meltdown’.


-Prototype Smiling Dragons:


These are actually Beta smilers however are given this title through being
 the first smilers created in the lab, they all had wings however most had 
theirs removed due to bones causing pain, after these four came to life, the 
project went full time and certain features such as wings were removed 
to improve the species.


-Beta Smiling Dragons:


Betas are the basic smilers, they follow the same look and body structure of
 MUTE with long ears, slim bodies and long tails, although it isn’t uncommon 
for some Betas to loose part of their tail as they are created. Betas vary in 
colour, shape and size ranging from 5’7ft-8ft and can run faster than an 
alpha, they obey under alphas and aren’t as strong as the alphas or 


-Alpha Smiling Dragons:


Alphas are a rare occurrence in which a large, more genetically stable smiler 
is created, they are much bigger than Betas, ranging from 8ft-10ft  with 
spines that wrap around their torso and shoulders, they also have more
 ridged noses with a more muscular build. Alphas also appear to have one out 
of two traits, brute or brains, an alpha can be either more feral and 
aggressive or more intelligent and alert, however never both for an unknown
 reason. The first Alpha to emerge was known as Halimyr which was a brute
 alpha. Betas obey and look up to alphas due to their higher genetic stability.

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Claws And Paws


Smiling Dragons have multiple main features in their anatomy, one of their
 features are their paws, each paw of a smiler has four digits with paw pads
 on each digit and one larger pad on the palm. Their paws are known to be 
rather large however the reason for this is unknown. Smilers don’t always
 have claws however majority do. It is only a small percentage that don’t 
grow them, those that do have claws have a variety of sizes and lengths 
that they can have, the reason for such variety is also unknown however is
assumed to be down to how much aggression the smiler has in their body as
 they grow.


Smilers claws average around four centimetres however can grow as large
 as ten centimetres outside of the skin. Although normally larger claws mean 
more aggression this is not the case in smilers, in smilers, the longer the 
claws, the less likely they are to get involved in physical confrontations 
however is more of a sign of dominance, it is actually smilers with shorter 
claws that are more aggressive, the reason for this is that the bigger the 
claw, the more likely the smiler is to break their claw or damage bones 
during a battle.


​Another fact about smilers claws is that they require a lot of upkeep due
 to how useful they are in the species, although some smilers with manually 
remove their claws or file them down, most smilers will keep their claws 
sharp due to their instincts of being ready to protect those and the items 
they love and cherish. If a smilers claws are not kept to a certain level of
 upkeep they will eventually flake and unlike other species, their body will
 assume the claws are unneeded and will stop producing the cells to 
reproduce a new claw and the smiler will be left with a nub claw over time.

Maws and Teeth


Smiling dragons are known and named after their large smiles that naturally 
sit in their face, their smile is caused from the residue in MUTE’s DNA that
 was from the evolution meltdown. Smiling Dragons also have slightly 
retractable teeth, this allows them to be able to talk or communicate as 
well as convey emotion, Smiling dragons have the ability to learn most 
languages and communicate through a variety of noises, an example of this 
is MUTE, he does not talk or communicate however when nervous he will 
emit a clicking noise, most smilers have their own key noise that they will 
make or communicate from however most have developed a universal language that they all understand.


Smiling Dragons have a very set tooth structure, this consists of four top 
front teeth and three bottom front teeth, and then either side they have
 three premolars on the top and bottom and then two molars on the top and 
 bottom however smilers can have more molar and some can have tusks or larger canines. In rarer cases smilers can have a double jaw or mutation that causes almost a second mouth on a smilers face.




Smiling Dragons have long, box like snouts that appear to have no nose or
 nostrils however they have small vent like nostrils that sit halfway 
between their eyes and front of their snout, these are completely 
invisible unless the fur is completely shaved away.




Smiling Dragons are known as being tall creatures, their height gives them an
 advantage for scaring off any threats they might have. Their height varies
 depending on the type of smiler they are and their age, an adult beta smiler
 will have a height ranging from five foot seven, to eight foot in total
 however and alpha smiler can have a total height ranging from eight foot
 to ten foot, the taller a smiler is the more dominant they are however betas
 will almost always be submissive around alphas due to their strength.


On the rare occasion where two smilers breed and a purebred is born, they 
will be about eight inches in length when first born, then slowly grow until 
they reach maturity at around twenty five years old. Smilers don’t have any 
known lifespan average however it is suspected that they can live to be 
around two hundred years old commonly pass away from natural causes apart from the rare occasion that a smiler becomes infected with a disease or illness.

Fur lengths and Markings


Smiling dragons are predominantly very fluffy creatures, their body has a
 variety of fur lengths with distinguishingly longer fur around their
 necks, commonly having long fur on their heads, more like hair, also cheek
 fluff and occasionally longer fur on the end of their tails. Alpha smilers
tend to have the ability to grow more fur in more places, making them 
look bigger but also more unique, some alphas can even have their entire 
tails covered in long fur, resembling a more snow leopard-like tail.


Smiling dragons are also known to have very bizarre markings, ranging
from large patchy markings to more gradient based fur colouration, they
 also can have neon coloured markings with some giving off the illusion of
 glowing. Similar to their blood colouration, many believe the reason for 
these bold and unnatural markings and colours are due to a mutation in 
their DNA due to MUTE’s past with remanence.


Blood and Guts


Smiling Dragons have very unique blood colouration, although the reason for
 the vibrancy and odd colouration of their insides is unknown, it is thought 
to be due to the DNA from MUTE through his experience with what was 
called remnant.


Smilers blood colour normally doesn’t have anything to do with their markings,
 DNA or anything in particular however tends to match the colour of their 
paw pads, this isn’t always the case though. The most common blood colours 
are blue, green and pink however rarer blood colours are black, white and 
even in extremely rare cases, rainbow coloured blood. Their blood can also
 be luminescent and glow in the dark. 
Smilers are also known to have quite a high pain tolerance however they 
are not immune from pain or wounds, despite their strong bodies an agility, 
they have no special abilities and cannot regrow limbs, they are unable 
to withstand large amounts of pain or survive through extrmemly dangerous
 environments or situations

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