Mutated Smiling Dragons
Occasionally with making an unnatural species there is mutations, most
commonly of these are double limbs and double ears or tails, occasionally
there may be smilers with horns however these smilers cannot pass down
some mutations when breeding and the mutations normally cause no harm at all.
There is also an occurrence of forced mutations in the case of a known
smiler owned circus in which an alpha sewed limbs from other smilers onto
others, this is also an unbreedable mutation however is interesting to
scientists as to how smilers can adapt to have multiple limbs.
With regards to the alpha known as Jester, He is documented to kidnap
rejected or defective smilers and mutilate them to be an attraction for his
circus in which all smilers have trackers sewn into them so that they cannot
escape. If you ever come accross a smiler with red and gold stitching,
they have either managed to escape.. or more likely, Jester is about to
get you.
Known Mutations in Betas:
- Cropped ears
- Double ears
- Double eyes
- Double limbs
- Double maws
- Duplicate tails
- Longer ears
- Longer tails
- Mutated spikes
- Shortened muzzle
- Split maws
- Split tails
- Blacklight reactive fur
Known Mutations in Alphas:
- Blacklight reactive fur
- Cropped ears
- Double ears
- Double eyes
- Double limbs
- Double maws
- Duplicate tails
- Horns [regular cusom requestable]
- Horns [Mutated]
- Longer ears
- Longer tails
- Mutated spikes
- Shortened muzzle
- Split maws
- Split tails
- Torso Scales
- Mutated Spines